Saturday 11 May 2024

"Thief in the Dark"


It's that moment...

That approaches from a long time coming...

Silently still, then with an undeniable echo growing...

That no matter how much hope was wished, it was never going to be

Reality is always present...

And one of our greatest awakenings comes when we realize that not everyone changes as promised

It's a hard understanding, but it is their choice to own...

To remain the same regardless of the consequences

Which now makes my decision clearly made

My journey is not meant to be filled fixing them

Because life is built with many more things than this...

How can one attempt to make something from nothing, if the other is unwilling to carry any of the weight?

We must embrace our existence, not to just merely tolerate it

Acknowledge that the wounds that bleed upon us, are now unfortunately being inflicted by them...

Time can already be a thief of many things...

And I don't need yet another thing taking more from within me than I am willing to give...

Nothing will ever change until we are willing to face the truth behind our feelings and actions

Failure comes from not understanding...

Effort is desirable because it is a direct reflection of interest

And I am no longer excepting apologies for things that emotionally drain me

You cannot be an umbrella of protection, and also be the reason why I am left standing abandoned in the pouring rain...

It may break the heart, but it does fix the vision...

Lying about me does not change the truth of you...

I will never be anything less than me

My heart refuses to hide in anothers darkness

So please, I need you to step out of my light...

Because when I only get treated as a last minute option...

I will leave you permanently like a choice.

© 2024

Monday 6 May 2024

"For a While"


There are multiple stages in life...

So many moments and experiences are gathered...

With this right here and now being your next step...

Doors open and they close

Opportunities come knocking...

Does it grab your attention?

How much do you listen?

Decisions upon chances are taken

An experience waiting to be had

Another hope in options

So, how much do you believe?

Because its all in a chance...

Maybe this time it could be different...

The effect is never known until you venture beyond the place you stand

There is always a lesson to be learned

The outcome is never known until you put the effort into trying

Actions taken and given are a language without words

It's the clarity within them that gives them the definition

But remember, the truth is always there, asking for your attention

So many of us desperately want the butterflies of love

But how many of us understand the responsibility of it?

Everyone wants something real...

Until they meet it face on, and decline the commitment

Simply because it challenges their current standard of living

And regardless of attempts...

Tired becomes the heart of waiting...

The difference in distance between two people is now seen

Awareness becomes abundantly clear

That we must pull away from that which does not push us forward

Because the reality is, some people will never change

The mask just falls off...

© 2024

Saturday 27 April 2024



Our teacher within existence...

Because experience is the hardest education learned...

We live and survive the moments to understand the lesson later

With so many things remembered we compare it to those things wanting to be forgotten

Rules and guild lines...

A fine balance between everything

Humor and sadness...

Peace and chaos...

The mystery of humanity never truly known

And the haunting fact that nothing ever stays the same

Change is always...

Transformation is natural...

A new version of yourself is revealed every time you shed another layer of the old you

Past mistakes, conditioning, or hurt...

Leads us to greater self-awareness

Speak words wishing to be heard

Because nothing haunts us more than things we did not say

It only buries the pain, strengthening its roots within us

Forgive your hands for hanging onto everything else except for you

Teach yourself resilience...

Because strength comes from the hardest parts

The softness of kindness given, will never be a weakness

It's another way of thinking...

With similarities there are differences

Understand the uniqueness within

We can and we will...

Happiness can be the way you travel and live through life, rather than being every destination achieved

Its okay to outgrow those who have refused to grow with you

The fault in blame is not ours to own...

Understanding this makes us the difference realized...

That we are trying our absolute best is enough

The effort in the attempt or achieved is enough...

And if that begins to fail, remind yourself again.

© 2024

Saturday 20 April 2024

"Permission To Be"



The real growth doesn't take place outside of us...

It happens deep within...

The only requirement is us, giving it the permission to be

Allowing our rigid thoughts to be malleable

To rise above our once limited thinking

Letting it all marinade...

Sitting with what you know to be true...

Factual emotions and actions taken with intention become the difference in perspective seen

You are the most powerful when silent, instead of exploding with reaction

Because everyone else expects you to leap deeply into the fray

Fists at the ready with words dripping with anger

And actions in return to be just as harsh and cruel as they were to you

But no...

You now understand where this turning point has to be

By removing yourself from that position of accusation...

From learned moments in history where trauma once bit deep, your tolerance is higher to it than it should be

And just because you can take it, doesn't mean you have to

Stop destroying your progress made just because they attempt to make you recall the past broken

Toxic people force boundaries to be created...

And are usually seen as revenge against their behavior

When the sad reality is, it was their actions towards you for those dividing lines to be drawn

The expression to another to be treated with respect should never trigger an argument

Simply stated, some people cannot reciprocate to another what they cannot give themselves

Those with internal conflict will not offer peace

If they betray themselves, how can they offer loyalty?

And if they choose to continue to deceive, honesty will never be believed

Making this the hardest part realized...

That we must see them for exactly who they are, rather than who we wish them to be

Pain can be ruin, or it can be inspiration to wisdom believed

Mistakes come with experience...

And disempowering the wrong voice telling your narrative will lead to a better tomorrow

So please, don't quit because the progress has been slow

Reality in fact is that slow progress is still progress achieved

How we choose our choice...

Becomes how your today will come to be.

© 2024

Sunday 14 April 2024




There is no road map...

Not a single one we can perceive in any way...

We acknowledge that there are stages

A beginning and an end...

But what about all the various moments in the middle?

Most of the time you cannot even see them until they are upon you

Or have already passed...

We are the profound experience within every day

Darkness creeps in casting shadows

Anger follows sadness...

But forgiveness to ones self can lead to hope

Reminding you that there is warmth from the cold

Change happens when it is allowed

Existence is a fluid flowing

All upon a time line awaiting our definition

Vision is not perfection

Understand the difference

Seek the truth...

Just because someone doesn't understand your emotions, does not mean they are not valid

Remove yourself from the vantage point of easy access

By staying away from those who create the storm around them

Then endlessly complain about the poor weather overhead...

Because your explanation will never exceed their level of perception

Its a circle spinning...

And some are only here for the chaos in motion

Attempting to remind us that this is our only worth

But please, stop collecting scars...

They are not proof of payment within living

Turn the pain to power

Inspiring the next breath taken

Realize the ability that we are everything we want to be

Because every tomorrow is the beginning of anything you want it to be.

© 2024

Sunday 7 April 2024

"Life in Motion"


Its the odd thought that is real...

Are you what you believe?

Because we have the capability to learn a lot...

And with it comes the hard understanding that not everything can or will go to plan

Sometimes some things remain broken, its reality at its most raw...

You become the pieces that remain while one thing continues to echo through it all

You are doing nothing wrong by asking to be treated right

Sadly, we are the villain in someones story without it actually being true

How someone perceives you can also be a reflection of how they feel within

Making us become a mirror of what what they are hiding from...

And we cannot control their behavior

Nor should we have to carry such a burden

You should not have to apologize for refusing to be disrespected...

To be lied to or mistreated...

Dignity within humanity comes with standards

So step up or step out...

The heart is always the last thing to leave the fight

But when you choose peace over chaos, it does comes with some goodbyes...

The heaviest weight to be picked up is ourselves after abandonment

You truly never know just how strong you can be

Not until you forgive yourself when there has been no, “I'm Sorry” given

And accept that the only act is to move on when an apology is never received

You are forced to deal with it, or make space for it inside you

To carry it always and live with it...

Or do you dig deep within strength and thrive in spite of it?

Because existence is one big wave in motion

All you can do is flow, adapt, and transform

Healing means releasing yourself from the version you created to survive

The length of this life is never known

The only thing you can add to it is the width and depth of all that is yet to be

Tomorrow is not your past

This is your choice to be taken

There is no explanation needed

Because time is not refundable...

You have to use it with intention.

© 2024

Monday 1 April 2024

"Not What Broke"

We are here...

Held within our own embrace...

Taking another step forward...

Even though we may be products of our past, we don't have to be a prisoner to it

We cannot control the variables that shift our seasons

Our power lies within the strength taken in our reaction

Destiny determines who enters our life

Our choice from an informed decision made is those who get to stay

Negativity casts darkness, becoming the beast within the shadows fed

Truth only hurts once...

A lie hurts every time we are reminded of it...

Embrace this moment in all its chaos

Put a definition to the confusion

Listen to the voice within

Breathe in deep and fight for life...

Extend the same kindness and grace to yourself that you do to others

Remember that we are still learning

Mistakes do not cause the end of our value, nor does it define our future

Change is this step forward taken now

Let go of all the self-judgment

Release the old learned ways of beating yourself up for every imagined inadequacy

Allow the dialog inside the mind to shift

Remind yourself that you are not the broken

Quiet the other voices scolding your own

Let pass what has been and enjoy the freedom of letting go

Because there are three things in life that leave us and never return

Time, words, and opportunities...

Choose compassion to yourself, because it is the best love given

It's universal in its energy...

To be grateful, hopeful, brave, forgiving, and proud

Is the betterment for our every tomorrow

Love thy self the best way you know how

Reach out with the positivity of caring

Touch has memory...

Remember yourself again

Because like flowers to the sun

We grow towards the light.

© 2024